The climate crisis has been a hot and happening debate globally with much of the conversation shifting from speaking about possible future climate events to current experiences such as droughts, wildfires, cyclones and floods and so forth.

Leading the conversation has been the discussion of climate justice and how the climate crisis, which the global norh has largely contributed to, disproportionately affects the global south who have made minimal contribution to the crisis but face the harshest of its consequences.

In the discussion, Professor Wissen explains to the audience that the lifestyles of the global north have had a significant impact on the lives of the global south. These imperial modes of living include, driving, extracting fossil fuels and relying on them, eating patterns etc, to name a few.

The Professor further goes on to explain that the accumulation of resources at the expense of the global south has been driven largely by social inequalities that exacerbate injustices along the social, class, gender and race lines.

The hosts also share with Professor Wissen how giving up the imperial mode of living might affect the global south and provide insight into the their respective countries of South Africa and Mozambique.

The podcast will take the listener though understanding the imperial mode of living, the consequences it has on the global south and how this issue can begin to be addressed from a grassroots levels.